Friday, January 21, 2011

No seriously, I want to know!

One of my friends got a record player for Xmas and was super ecstatic about it. I was over at his house Thursday evening and got to see it and his excitement over it. He played a song by Tom Waits, who I had never heard of before until that night. When I told him I enjoyed the music he talked about the amazingness that is Mr. Waits and let me listen to this song:

"I see youuuuuuu!"
This is probably one of the creepiest things I have ever listened to. I love it. And Tom Waits. I'm listening to one of his albums, "Mule Variations" and will work my way backwards to some of his others after I give this one a few more listenings. Awesome, awesome, awesome! It's always fun when a friend introduces you to great music that's been around for awhile but you just never had the opportunity to discover it yourself.

Thaaaaaaanks Caio! (He doesn't read this but I'll tell him know next time I see him) =)


  1. He did. Caio read It with me now, and recommended Rain Dogs!!!

    You both are crazy!!! but Tom Waits é foda!!!!!

  2. Fine, if you must know, I'm building a time machine, but I'm having some huge setbacks. Like my budget is only $18. And it's made mostly of construction paper. And it only goes into present time.

    Also, your creepy death stare needs work. I'm hardly scared or intimidated.

  3. waits is kind of amazing. glad caio turned you on!

    btw, post more photos like that and you'll quickly pass me. ;-)

  4. I remember back in da day, Tom Waits had many highly entertaining appearances on the David Letterman Show.

  5. Interesting pic :D

    Great video!

  6. sort of creepy....not in the scary way, more pedo bear/FB stalker way. ha

  7. Who has been recording me? Leave me alone!

  8. Tom Waits is a true legend. He has an amazing, special voice which fits his songs in a brilliant way. This is though very creepy...;-) Enjoy!

  9. Very creepy, but a great video! =)

  10. Wtf at the video.
    Lol your picture is scurry
    Come follow me

  11. look like the girl from the ring. no offense, after all, she is a legend.

    enjoy a good laugh with me here ...

  12. Just contacting you to say that I’ve awarded you for the Stylish Blogger Award. Congratulations! If you want more info, don’t hesitate to contact me!

  13. Just wanted to let you know that I have awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award =)

  14. Creepy and cool. I was waiting for the townsfolk to break in with pitchforks and torches and lynch him later to realize he was just really into taxidermy.

  15. i do in fact love the song, followin!

  16. Yeah, I like his stuff too, like the Edgar Allen Poe of music.
